
A New Eusebius: Documents Illustrating the History of the Church to AD 337 is unavailable, but you can change that!

A New Eusebius has held an unrivaled position as the standard source book for students of the early patristic period. Stevenson has gathered an impressive compilation of documents, including the Martyrdom of James, the Flight of the Christians from Jerusalem, and Persecution by Domitian, from such writers as Eusebius, Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin, and Irenaeus. These primary...

Church, and have ministered blamelessly to the flock of Christ in a humble, peaceable, and worthy way, and have had testimony borne to them by all for long periods—such men we consider are unjustly 4 deposed from their ministry. For it will be no small sin on our part, if we depose from the episcopal office those who have in blameless and 5 holy wise offered the gifts. Blessed are the presbyters who have gone before in the way, who came to a fruitful and perfect end; for they need have no fear lest
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